Welcome to the Staff Unit
At KIT, different people, ways of working, and opinions meet. Usually an added value for all participants results from the confrontation with different personalities. However, sometimes work-related issues as well as personal problems become a burden for individuals or the professional environment.
The sum of the stresses can lead to us reaching our limits or not knowing what to do.
In these situations, the staff unit serves as a contact point for all KIT members at both locations and offers competent help: counseling for all employees and executives in form of individual advice, coaching, conflict consultation, mediation, team support and referral to other support services.
The goals of the staff unit are to maintain or restore the well-being and ability to work of all employees. For this purpose the willingness and ability to solve problems and conflicts is supported as well as the ability of individuals and groups to communicate and act.
The counseling is confidential, counselors are subject to the legal duty of confidentiality.
In addition to providing assistance in concrete cases, the staff unit strives to continuously improve the collegial work culture at KIT by strengthening personal and leadership responsibility. In this context, openness, tolerance and appreciation as core values of the community at KIT have top priority.
With best regards
Your KMB Team

An online workshop series will take place from February 26th to October 22nd, 2025 once a month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
further information
Five 20 minute mindfulness videos recorded by our MBSR trainer to practice in the workplace.
further information
An online workshop for managers on the subject will take place on April 3, 2025.
Further information and registration options can be found under the following link.

Online lecture will take place on 28.04.2025, followed by a series of workshops from 29.04.2025.
Further information and registration options can be found under the following link.

The next seminar for managers will take place at 11.&12. November 2025.
For more information and to register, click on the following link.

The next seminar for managers is expected to take place in autumn 2026.
For more information and to register, click on the following link.

This year too, KIT is taking part in the “Week of Silence” on November 2nd until November 9th, 2025 with offers for deceleration and mindfulness.
further information
Offers from the Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling Staff Unit (KMB) for employees and managers to read and download.
flyer (in German)
Guide on addiction for executives and colleagues to look up and download.
flyer (in German)

Booklet from House of Competence is available for download.
booklet to download (in German)